The Kids Are All Right

The shocking scene was at the dinner table when a pair of 40-45 years old women were kissing each other in front of two kids, and those kids were totally fine with that. Shocking because i never know any film which had gay parents (gay, legally married, and have kids) in it, second because the title says nothing about it.

The story in a nutshell : Two kids, both born to lesbian parents with a sperm donor were courious of their biological father. They finally met him, and try to build relationship (unusual relationship, what would you call your sperm donor ? ‘Biological Dad’ ?). The coming of this father into the family make some kind of disharmony between kids and parents and between each of parents and so on and so forth, I wouldn’t be too much to the plot.

I enjoy this movie. It’s toying with our uncomfortable feeling like when you have build a strong relationship (with anyone, friends, father or brother) suddenly at one point it shattered by your mistake you don’t realize. And the characterizing of the father is sort of giving us so much hope that the kids will ‘reconcile’ with their biological father.

Manis kali kau Mia, minta dijilat heh?

Anyway that’s not what I’m really interested in

Needless to say those people in west or america in particular have way more tolerance towards LGBT people than us Indonesian. And through this movie the gap is seemingly much wider, it’s like we are two order lower in terms of tolerance. We still in the stage where LGBT people should stay-inside-or-else-get-killed, while they have been in stage where LGBT people are treated indistinguishly from straight. The order that in between is: when LGBT people are began to be accepted, but clearly in distinguish way. They are like a new family on a neighbourhood or like a handicapped that we treat in special way. That we have to consider hundred times of the proper way of questioning : “How did you get crippled ?”. While in higher order of tolerance, they confusedly (yet rhetorically) ask: “So what if she’s a lesbian ?” No big deal.

And my judgment is, by the way, based solely on this movie, not necessarily on reality. Because if lesbianism is really ‘no big deal’ they wouldn’t think the story of ‘gay parenthood can be messed up too just like in straight family’ is interesting enough to be filmed.